🥤 Mixologyfy! 🍼

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 ____            _           _   _       _ _ 
|  _ \ _   _ ___| |_ _   _  | \ | | __ _(_) |
| |_) | | | / __| __| | | | |  \| |/ _` | | |
|  _ <| |_| \__ \ |_| |_| | | |\  | (_| | | |
|_| \_\\__,_|___/\__|\__, | |_| \_|\__,_|_|_|

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Whiskey
- 2.5 cl: Drambuie

## Instructions
Build into old-fashioned glass filled with ice. Stir gently.

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  ____                                      _ _ _              
 / ___|___  ___ _ __ ___   ___  _ __   ___ | (_) |_ __ _ _ __  
| |   / _ \/ __| '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \| | | __/ _` | '_ \ 
| |__| (_) \__ \ | | | | | (_) | |_) | (_) | | | || (_| | | | |
 \____\___/|___/_| |_| |_|\___/| .__/ \___/|_|_|\__\__,_|_| |_|

## Ingredients
- 4 cl: Vodka
- 1.5 cl: Triple Sec
- 1.5 cl: Lime juice
- 3 cl: Cranberry juice

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into a large cocktail glass.

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  ____ _         _____ _         
 / ___(_)_ __   |  ___(_)________
| |  _| | '_ \  | |_  | |_  /_  /
| |_| | | | | | |  _| | |/ / / / 
 \____|_|_| |_| |_|   |_/___/___|

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Gin
- 3 cl: Lemon juice
- 1 cl: Syrup
- 8 cl: Soda water

## Instructions
Shake all ingredients with ice cubes, except soda water. Pour into tumbler. Top with soda water.

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|  _ \ ___  ___  ___ 
| |_) / _ \/ __|/ _ \
|  _ < (_) \__ \  __/
|_| \_\___/|___/\___|

## Ingredients
- 2 cl: Kirsch
- 4 cl: Vermouth
- 3 dashes Strawberry syrup

## Instructions
Stir all ingredients with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

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__   __   _ _                 ____  _         _ 
\ \ / /__| | | _____      __ | __ )(_)_ __ __| |
 \ V / _ \ | |/ _ \ \ /\ / / |  _ \| | '__/ _` |
  | |  __/ | | (_) \ V  V /  | |_) | | | | (_| |
  |_|\___|_|_|\___/ \_/\_/   |____/|_|_|  \__,_|

## Ingredients
- 3 cl: White rum
- 1.5 cl: Galliano
- 1.5 cl: Triple Sec
- 1.5 cl: Lime juice

## Instructions
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

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    _                     _   _____              
   / \   _ __   __ _  ___| | |  ___|_ _  ___ ___ 
  / _ \ | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ | | |_ / _` |/ __/ _ \
 / ___ \| | | | (_| |  __/ | |  _| (_| | (_|  __/
/_/   \_\_| |_|\__, |\___|_| |_|  \__,_|\___\___|

## Ingredients
- 3 cl: Gin
- 3 cl: Apricot brandy
- 3 cl: Calvados

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into a cocktail glass.

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/ ___|  __ _ _______ _ __ __ _  ___ 
\___ \ / _` |_  / _ \ '__/ _` |/ __|
 ___) | (_| |/ /  __/ | | (_| | (__ 
|____/ \__,_/___\___|_|  \__,_|\___|

## Ingredients
- 5 cl: Cognac
- 1 cl: Absinthe
- 1 sugar cube
- 2 dashes Peychaud’s bitters

## Instructions
Rinse a chilled old-fashioned glass with the absinthe, add crushed ice and set it aside. Stir the remaining ingredients over ice and set it aside. Discard the ice and any excess absinthe from the prepared glass, and strain the drink into the glass. Note: The original recipe changed after the American Civil War, rye whiskey substituted cognac as it became hard to obtain.

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 ____  _            _      ____                _             
| __ )| | __ _  ___| | __ |  _ \ _   _ ___ ___(_) __ _ _ __  
|  _ \| |/ _` |/ __| |/ / | |_) | | | / __/ __| |/ _` | '_ \ 
| |_) | | (_| | (__|   <  |  _ <| |_| \__ \__ \ | (_| | | | |
|____/|_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\ |_| \_\\__,_|___/___/_|\__,_|_| |_|

## Ingredients
- 5 cl: Vodka
- 2 cl: Coffee liqueur

## Instructions
Build into old fashioned glass filled with ice cubes. Stir gently. Note: for White Russian, float fresh cream on the top and stir gently.

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  ____ _                        ____ _       _     
 / ___| | _____   _____ _ __   / ___| |_   _| |__  
| |   | |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '__| | |   | | | | | '_ \ 
| |___| | (_) \ V /  __/ |    | |___| | |_| | |_) |
 \____|_|\___/ \_/ \___|_|     \____|_|\__,_|_.__/ 

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Gin
- 1.5 cl: Syrup
- 1.5 cl: Lemon juice
- Few drops of Egg White

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into cocktail glass.

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 _   _                             __        __    _ _ _                                 
| | | | __ _ _ ____   _____ _   _  \ \      / /_ _| | | |__   __ _ _ __   __ _  ___ _ __ 
| |_| |/ _` | '__\ \ / / _ \ | | |  \ \ /\ / / _` | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__|
|  _  | (_| | |   \ V /  __/ |_| |   \ V  V / (_| | | | |_) | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |   
|_| |_|\__,_|_|    \_/ \___|\__, |    \_/\_/ \__,_|_|_|_.__/ \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|_|   
                            |___/                                        |___/           

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Vodka
- 1.5 cl: Galliano
- 9 cl: Orange juice

## Instructions
Build vodka and orange juice into a highball glass filled with ice. Stir gently and float Galliano on top.

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 _____                _ _         ____                   _          
|_   _|__  __ _ _   _(_) | __ _  / ___| _   _ _ __  _ __(_)___  ___ 
  | |/ _ \/ _` | | | | | |/ _` | \___ \| | | | '_ \| '__| / __|/ _ \
  | |  __/ (_| | |_| | | | (_| |  ___) | |_| | | | | |  | \__ \  __/
  |_|\___|\__, |\__,_|_|_|\__,_| |____/ \__,_|_| |_|_|  |_|___/\___|

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Tequila
- 9 cl: Orange juice
- 1.5 cl: Syrup

## Instructions
Build tequila and orange juice into highball with ice cubes. Add a splash of grenadine to create sunrise effect. Do not stir.

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  ___  _     _   _____         _     _                      _ 
 / _ \| | __| | |  ___|_ _ ___| |__ (_) ___  _ __   ___  __| |
| | | | |/ _` | | |_ / _` / __| '_ \| |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \/ _` |
| |_| | | (_| | |  _| (_| \__ \ | | | | (_) | | | |  __/ (_| |
 \___/|_|\__,_| |_|  \__,_|___/_| |_|_|\___/|_| |_|\___|\__,_|

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Whiskey
- 2 dashes Angostura Bitters
- 1 sugar cube
- Few dashes plain water

## Instructions
Place sugar cube in old-fashioned glass and saturate with bitters, add a dash of plain water. Muddle until dissolve. Fill the glass with ice cubes and add whisky.

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 ____  _                                          ____  _ _             
/ ___|(_)_ __   __ _  __ _ _ __   ___  _ __ ___  / ___|| (_)_ __   __ _ 
\___ \| | '_ \ / _` |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| '__/ _ \ \___ \| | | '_ \ / _` |
 ___) | | | | | (_| | (_| | |_) | (_) | | |  __/  ___) | | | | | | (_| |
|____/|_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_| .__/ \___/|_|  \___| |____/|_|_|_| |_|\__, |
               |___/      |_|                                     |___/ 

## Ingredients
- 3 cl: Gin
- 1.5 cl: Cherry liqueur
- 0.75 cl: Triple Sec
- 0.75 cl: DOM Bénédictine
- 12.0 cl: Pineapple juice
- 1.5 cl: Lime juice
- 1 cl: Syrup
- 1 dash Angostura bitters

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into highball glass.

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  ____      _             _     _ _              
 / ___|   _| |__   __ _  | |   (_) |__  _ __ ___ 
| |  | | | | '_ \ / _` | | |   | | '_ \| '__/ _ \
| |__| |_| | |_) | (_| | | |___| | |_) | | |  __/
 \____\__,_|_.__/ \__,_| |_____|_|_.__/|_|  \___|

## Ingredients
- 5 cl: White rum
- 12 cl: Cola
- 1 cl: Lime juice

## Instructions
Build all ingredients in a highball glass filled with ice.

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  ____ _                                                     ____           _    _        _ _ 
 / ___| |__   __ _ _ __ ___  _ __   __ _  __ _ _ __   ___   / ___|___   ___| | _| |_ __ _(_) |
| |   | '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ | |   / _ \ / __| |/ / __/ _` | | |
| |___| | | | (_| | | | | | | |_) | (_| | (_| | | | |  __/ | |__| (_) | (__|   <| || (_| | | |
 \____|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/ \__,_|\__, |_| |_|\___|  \____\___/ \___|_|\_\\__\__,_|_|_|
                            |_|          |___/                                                

## Ingredients
- 9 cl: Champagne
- 1 cl: Cognac
- 2 dashes Angostura Bitters
- 1 sugar cube

## Instructions
Add dash of Angostura bitter onto sugar cube and drop it into champagne flute. Add cognac followed by pouring gently chilled champagne.

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 ____  _   _                       
/ ___|| |_(_)_ __   __ _  ___ _ __ 
\___ \| __| | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__|
 ___) | |_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |   
|____/ \__|_|_| |_|\__, |\___|_|   

## Ingredients
- 5 cl: Cognac
- 2 cl: Créme liqueur

## Instructions
Stir in mixing glass with ice cubes. Strain into a cocktail glass.

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 __  __ _       _         _       _            
|  \/  (_)_ __ | |_      | |_   _| | ___ _ __  
| |\/| | | '_ \| __|  _  | | | | | |/ _ \ '_ \ 
| |  | | | | | | |_  | |_| | |_| | |  __/ |_) |
|_|  |_|_|_| |_|\__|  \___/ \__,_|_|\___| .__/ 

## Ingredients
- 6 cl: Whiskey
- 4 fresh mint sprigs
- 1 teaspoon powdered sugar
- 2 teaspoons water

## Instructions
In a highball glass gently muddle the mint, sugar and water. Fill the glass with cracked ice, add Bourbon and stir well until the glass is frost.

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 _____                    _       __  __            _   _       _ 
|  ___| __ ___ _ __   ___| |__   |  \/  | __ _ _ __| |_(_)_ __ (_)
| |_ | '__/ _ \ '_ \ / __| '_ \  | |\/| |/ _` | '__| __| | '_ \| |
|  _|| | |  __/ | | | (__| | | | | |  | | (_| | |  | |_| | | | | |
|_|  |_|  \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|  |_|\__,_|_|   \__|_|_| |_|_|

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Vodka
- 1.5 cl: Raspberry liqueur
- 1.5 cl: Pineapple juice

## Instructions
Stir in mixing glass with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Squeeze oil from lemon peel onto the drink.

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 ____                      _     _      
| __ ) _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ | |__ | | ___ 
|  _ \| '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \
| |_) | | | (_| | | | | | | |_) | |  __/
|____/|_|  \__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/|_|\___|

## Ingredients
- 4 cl: Gin
- 1.5 cl: Lemon juice
- 1 cl: Syrup
- 1.5 cl: Blackberry liqueur

## Instructions
Build over crushed ice, in a rock glass. Stir, then pour the blackberry liqueur over the top of the drink in a circular fashion.

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 _  __               _ _                 
| |/ /__ _ _ __ ___ (_) | ____ _ _______ 
| ' // _` | '_ ` _ \| | |/ / _` |_  / _ \
| . \ (_| | | | | | | |   < (_| |/ /  __/
|_|\_\__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_|\_\__,_/___\___|

## Ingredients
- 3 cl: Vodka
- 3 cl: Triple Sec
- 3 cl: Lime juice

## Instructions
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

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 __  __                            _ _        
|  \/  | __ _ _ __ __ _  __ _ _ __(_) |_ __ _ 
| |\/| |/ _` | '__/ _` |/ _` | '__| | __/ _` |
| |  | | (_| | | | (_| | (_| | |  | | || (_| |
|_|  |_|\__,_|_|  \__, |\__,_|_|  |_|\__\__,_|

## Ingredients
- 3.5 cl: Tequila
- 2 cl: Triple Sec
- 1.5 cl: Lime juice

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into cocktail glass rimmed with salt (note:Fruit Margarita - blend selected fruit with the above recipe).

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 __  __             _                 ____ _                 _ 
|  \/  | ___  _ __ | | _____ _   _   / ___| | __ _ _ __   __| |
| |\/| |/ _ \| '_ \| |/ / _ \ | | | | |  _| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |
| |  | | (_) | | | |   <  __/ |_| | | |_| | | (_| | | | | (_| |
|_|  |_|\___/|_| |_|_|\_\___|\__, |  \____|_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|

## Ingredients
- 5 cl: Gin
- 3 cl: Orange juice
- 2 drops Absinthe
- 2 drops Grenadine

## Instructions
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

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 _                        ___     _                 _   ___             _   _____          
| |    ___  _ __   __ _  |_ _|___| | __ _ _ __   __| | |_ _|___ ___  __| | |_   _|__  __ _ 
| |   / _ \| '_ \ / _` |  | |/ __| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |  | |/ __/ _ \/ _` |   | |/ _ \/ _` |
| |__| (_) | | | | (_| |  | |\__ \ | (_| | | | | (_| |  | | (_|  __/ (_| |   | |  __/ (_| |
|_____\___/|_| |_|\__, | |___|___/_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |___\___\___|\__,_|   |_|\___|\__,_|

## Ingredients
- 1.5 cl: Tequila
- 1.5 cl: Vodka
- 1.5 cl: White rum
- 1.5 cl: Triple Sec
- 1.5 cl: Gin
- 2.5 cl: Lemon juice
- 3.0 cl: Syrup
- 1 dash of Cola

## Instructions
Add all ingredients into highball glass filled with ice. Stir gently. Serve with straw.

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__     __                    _           
\ \   / /_ _ _ __ ___  _ __ (_)_ __ ___  
 \ \ / / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| | '__/ _ \ 
  \ V / (_| | | | | | | |_) | | | | (_) |
   \_/ \__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|_|  \___/ 

## Ingredients
- 5 cl: Tequila
- 7 cl: Tomato juice
- 3 cl: Orange juice
- 1 cl: Lime juice
- 1 teaspoon clear honey
- Half slice onion finely chopped
- Few slices fresh red hot chili peppers
- Few drops Worcestershire sauce
- Salt

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into a highball glass, filled with ice.

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 ____                          _ _ 
| __ )  __ _  ___ __ _ _ __ __| (_)
|  _ \ / _` |/ __/ _` | '__/ _` | |
| |_) | (_| | (_| (_| | | | (_| | |
|____/ \__,_|\___\__,_|_|  \__,_|_|

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: White rum
- 2 cl: Lime juice
- 1 cl: Syrup

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.

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 ____                _               ____             _               ____                   _     
|  _ \ _   _ ___ ___(_) __ _ _ __   / ___| _ __  _ __(_)_ __   __ _  |  _ \ _   _ _ __   ___| |__  
| |_) | | | / __/ __| |/ _` | '_ \  \___ \| '_ \| '__| | '_ \ / _` | | |_) | | | | '_ \ / __| '_ \ 
|  _ <| |_| \__ \__ \ | (_| | | | |  ___) | |_) | |  | | | | | (_| | |  __/| |_| | | | | (__| | | |
|_| \_\\__,_|___/___/_|\__,_|_| |_| |____/| .__/|_|  |_|_| |_|\__, | |_|    \__,_|_| |_|\___|_| |_|
                                          |_|                 |___/                                

## Ingredients
- 2.5 cl: Vodka
- 2.5 cl: Lemon juice
- 1.5 cl: Créme liqueur
- 1 cl: Syrup

## Instructions
Shake the ingredients and pour into highball glass. Top with Sparkling wine.

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 _   _                            _ 
| \ | | ___  __ _ _ __ ___  _ __ (_)
|  \| |/ _ \/ _` | '__/ _ \| '_ \| |
| |\  |  __/ (_| | | | (_) | | | | |
|_| \_|\___|\__, |_|  \___/|_| |_|_|

## Ingredients
- 3 cl: Gin
- 3 cl: Campari
- 3 cl: Vermouth

## Instructions
Build into old-fashioned glass filled with ice. Stir gently.

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 __  __                               __  __       _      
|  \/  | ___  ___  ___ _____      __ |  \/  |_   _| | ___ 
| |\/| |/ _ \/ __|/ __/ _ \ \ /\ / / | |\/| | | | | |/ _ \
| |  | | (_) \__ \ (_| (_) \ V  V /  | |  | | |_| | |  __/
|_|  |_|\___/|___/\___\___/ \_/\_/   |_|  |_|\__,_|_|\___|

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Vodka
- 12 cl: Ginger beer
- 0.5 cl: Lime juice
- 1 slice lime in a highball glass

## Instructions
Combine the vodka and ginger beer. Add lime juice.

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 ____  _                 ____                   
|  _ \(_)___  ___ ___   / ___|  ___  _   _ _ __ 
| |_) | / __|/ __/ _ \  \___ \ / _ \| | | | '__|
|  __/| \__ \ (_| (_) |  ___) | (_) | |_| | |   
|_|   |_|___/\___\___/  |____/ \___/ \__,_|_|   

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Pisco
- 3 cl: Lemon juice
- 2 cl: Syrup
- 1 raw egg white (small egg)

## Instructions
Shake and strain into a chilled champagne flute. Dash some Angostura bitters on top.

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 __  __             _           _   _              
|  \/  | __ _ _ __ | |__   __ _| |_| |_ __ _ _ __  
| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \| '_ \ / _` | __| __/ _` | '_ \ 
| |  | | (_| | | | | | | | (_| | |_| || (_| | | | |
|_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|\__|\__\__,_|_| |_|

## Ingredients
- 5 cl: Whiskey
- 2 cl: Vermouth
- 1 dash Angostura Bitters

## Instructions
Stir in mixing glass with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.

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 ____            _           
|  _ \  ___ _ __| |__  _   _ 
| | | |/ _ \ '__| '_ \| | | |
| |_| |  __/ |  | |_) | |_| |
|____/ \___|_|  |_.__/ \__, |

## Ingredients
- 6 cl: Gin
- 2 drops Peach Bitters
- 2 Fresh mint leaves

## Instructions
Stir in mixing glass with ice cubes. Strain into a cocktail glass.

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 ____  _             _            _       ____                   _     
|  _ \| | __ _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __( )___  |  _ \ _   _ _ __   ___| |__  
| |_) | |/ _` | '_ \| __/ _ \ '__|// __| | |_) | | | | '_ \ / __| '_ \ 
|  __/| | (_| | | | | ||  __/ |    \__ \ |  __/| |_| | | | | (__| | | |
|_|   |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__\___|_|    |___/ |_|    \__,_|_| |_|\___|_| |_|

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Dark rum
- 3.5 cl: Orange juice
- 3.5 cl: Pineapple juice
- 2 cl: Lemon juice
- 1 cl: Syrup
- 1 cl: Syrup
- 3 to 4 dashes Angostura bitters

## Instructions
Pour all ingredients, except the bitters, into shaker filled with ice. Shake. Pour into large glass, filled with ice. Add Angostura bitters, “on top”.

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  ____      _       _      _       _           
 / ___|__ _(_)_ __ (_)_ __(_)_ __ | |__   __ _ 
| |   / _` | | '_ \| | '__| | '_ \| '_ \ / _` |
| |__| (_| | | |_) | | |  | | | | | | | | (_| |
 \____\__,_|_| .__/|_|_|  |_|_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|

## Ingredients
- 5 cl: Cachaca
- half fresh lime cut into 4 wedges
- 2 teaspoon sugar

## Instructions
Place lime and sugar in old fashion glass and muddle. Fill glass with ice and Cachaca (note:Caipiroska- use Vodka instead of Cachaca).

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 __  __       _ _ _        
|  \/  | ___ (_|_) |_ ___  
| |\/| |/ _ \| | | __/ _ \ 
| |  | | (_) | | | || (_) |
|_|  |_|\___// |_|\__\___/ 

## Ingredients
- 4 cl: White rum
- 3 cl: Lime juice
- 6 Mint sprigs
- 2 teaspoons white sugar
- Soda water

## Instructions
Muddle mint sprigs with sugar and lime juice. Add splash of soda water and fill glass with cracked ice. Pour rum and top with soda water. Serve with straw.

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 ____             _      _       _   ____  _                             
|  _ \  __ _ _ __| | __ ( )_ __ ( ) / ___|| |_ ___  _ __ _ __ ___  _   _ 
| | | |/ _` | '__| |/ / |/| '_ \|/  \___ \| __/ _ \| '__| '_ ` _ \| | | |
| |_| | (_| | |  |   <    | | | |    ___) | || (_) | |  | | | | | | |_| |
|____/ \__,_|_|  |_|\_\   |_| |_|   |____/ \__\___/|_|  |_| |_| |_|\__, |

## Ingredients
- 6 cl: Dark rum
- 10 cl: Ginger beer

## Instructions
Build into highball glass filled with ice. Add rum first and top it with ginger beer.

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 _   _                _                                   ____                  _       _ 
| | | | ___ _ __ ___ (_)_ __   __ ___      ____ _ _   _  / ___| _ __   ___  ___(_) __ _| |
| |_| |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| | '_ \ / _` \ \ /\ / / _` | | | | \___ \| '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ _` | |
|  _  |  __/ | | | | | | | | | (_| |\ V  V / (_| | |_| |  ___) | |_) |  __/ (__| | (_| | |
|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | \_/\_/ \__,_|\__, | |____/| .__/ \___|\___|_|\__,_|_|
                              |___/               |___/        |_|                        

## Ingredients
- 6 cl: White rum
- 4 cl: Grapefruit juice
- 1.5 cl: Cherry liqueur
- 1.5 cl: Lime juice

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into a double cocktail glass.

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 _____                    _       _____ ____  
|  ___| __ ___ _ __   ___| |__   |___  | ___| 
| |_ | '__/ _ \ '_ \ / __| '_ \     / /|___ \ 
|  _|| | |  __/ | | | (__| | | |   / /  ___) |
|_|  |_|  \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_|  /_/  |____/ 

## Ingredients
- 3 cl: Gin
- 1.5 cl: Lemon juice
- 2 dashes Sugar syrup
- 6 cl: Champagne

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes, except for champagne. Strain into a champagne flute. Top up with champagne. Stir gently.

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 ____  _      _           __  __            _   _       _ 
|  _ \(_)_ __| |_ _   _  |  \/  | __ _ _ __| |_(_)_ __ (_)
| | | | | '__| __| | | | | |\/| |/ _` | '__| __| | '_ \| |
| |_| | | |  | |_| |_| | | |  | | (_| | |  | |_| | | | | |
|____/|_|_|   \__|\__, | |_|  |_|\__,_|_|   \__|_|_| |_|_|

## Ingredients
- 6 cl: Vodka
- 1 cl: Vermouth
- 1 cl: Olive juice

## Instructions
Stir in mixing glass with ice cubes. Strain into chilled martini glass.

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 _____                    _        ____                            _   _             
|  ___| __ ___ _ __   ___| |__    / ___|___  _ __  _ __   ___  ___| |_(_) ___  _ __  
| |_ | '__/ _ \ '_ \ / __| '_ \  | |   / _ \| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \/ __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \ 
|  _|| | |  __/ | | | (__| | | | | |__| (_) | | | | | | |  __/ (__| |_| | (_) | | | |
|_|  |_|  \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_|  \____\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\___|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|

## Ingredients
- 3.5 cl: Cognac
- 3.5 cl: DiSaronno

## Instructions
Build into old fashioned glass filled with ice cubes. Stir gently.

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 _   _                     _       _   _           _    
| | | | ___  _ __ ___  ___( )___  | \ | | ___  ___| | __
| |_| |/ _ \| '__/ __|/ _ \// __| |  \| |/ _ \/ __| |/ /
|  _  | (_) | |  \__ \  __/ \__ \ | |\  |  __/ (__|   < 
|_| |_|\___/|_|  |___/\___| |___/ |_| \_|\___|\___|_|\_\

## Ingredients
- 4 cl: Cognac
- 12 cl: Ginger Ale
- Dash of Angostura bitters (optional)

## Instructions
Build into highball glass with ice cubes. Stir gently. If required, add dashes of Angostura bitters.

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    _        _       _   _             
   / \__   _(_) __ _| |_(_) ___  _ __  
  / _ \ \ / / |/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ 
 / ___ \ V /| | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
/_/   \_\_/ |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Gin
- 1.5 cl: Cherry liqueur
- 1.5 cl: Lemon juice

## Instructions
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

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__        ___     _ _         _              _       
\ \      / / |__ (_) |_ ___  | |    __ _  __| |_   _ 
 \ \ /\ / /| '_ \| | __/ _ \ | |   / _` |/ _` | | | |
  \ V  V / | | | | | ||  __/ | |__| (_| | (_| | |_| |
   \_/\_/  |_| |_|_|\__\___| |_____\__,_|\__,_|\__, |

## Ingredients
- 4 cl: Gin
- 3 cl: Triple Sec
- 2 cl: Lemon juice

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into large cocktail glass.

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__     __                        
\ \   / /__  ___ _ __   ___ _ __ 
 \ \ / / _ \/ __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
  \ V /  __/\__ \ |_) |  __/ |   
   \_/ \___||___/ .__/ \___|_|   

## Ingredients
- 6 cl: Gin
- 1.5 cl: Vodka
- 0.75 cl: Lillet Blonde

## Instructions
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

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 ____               __  __            _   _       _ 
|  _ \ _ __ _   _  |  \/  | __ _ _ __| |_(_)_ __ (_)
| | | | '__| | | | | |\/| |/ _` | '__| __| | '_ \| |
| |_| | |  | |_| | | |  | | (_| | |  | |_| | | | | |
|____/|_|   \__, | |_|  |_|\__,_|_|   \__|_|_| |_|_|

## Ingredients
- 6 cl: Gin
- 1 cl: Vermouth

## Instructions
Stir in mixing glass with ice cubes. Strain into chilled martini glass. Squeeze oil from lemon peel onto the drink, or garnish with olive.

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    _    _                          _           
   / \  | | _____  ____ _ _ __   __| | ___ _ __ 
  / _ \ | |/ _ \ \/ / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__|
 / ___ \| |  __/>  < (_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |   
/_/   \_\_|\___/_/\_\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|   

## Ingredients
- 3 cl: Cognac
- 3 cl: Créme liqueur
- 3 cl: Cream

## Instructions
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Sprinkle with fresh ground nutmeg.

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 ____ ____ ____  
| __ ) ___|___ \ 
|  _ \___ \ __) |
| |_) |__) / __/ 

## Ingredients
- 2 cl: Coffee liqueur
- 2 cl: Cream liqueur
- 2 cl: Triple Sec

## Instructions
Layer ingredients one at a time starting with Kahlúa, followed by Baileys Irish Cream and top with Grand Marnier. Flame the Grand Marnier, serve while the flame is still on, accompanied with a straw on side plate.

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 ____            _          _____ _ _       
|  _ \ ___  _ __| |_ ___   |  ___| (_)_ __  
| |_) / _ \| '__| __/ _ \  | |_  | | | '_ \ 
|  __/ (_) | |  | || (_) | |  _| | | | |_) |
|_|   \___/|_|   \__\___/  |_|   |_|_| .__/ 

## Ingredients
- 1.5 cl: Cognac
- 4.5 cl: Red Port
- 1 cl: Egg yolk

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into cocktail glass. Sprinkle with fresh ground nutmeg.

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  ____          _             
 / ___|__ _ ___(_)_ __   ___  
| |   / _` / __| | '_ \ / _ \ 
| |__| (_| \__ \ | | | | (_) |
 \____\__,_|___/_|_| |_|\___/ 

## Ingredients
- 4 cl: Gin
- 1 cl: Cherry liqueur
- 1 cl: Orange Bitters
- 1 cl: Lemon juice

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.

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  ____       _     _              ____                           
 / ___| ___ | | __| | ___ _ __   |  _ \ _ __ ___  __ _ _ __ ___  
| |  _ / _ \| |/ _` |/ _ \ '_ \  | | | | '__/ _ \/ _` | '_ ` _ \ 
| |_| | (_) | | (_| |  __/ | | | | |_| | | |  __/ (_| | | | | | |
 \____|\___/|_|\__,_|\___|_| |_| |____/|_|  \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_|

## Ingredients
- 2 cl: Galliano
- 2 cl: Triple Sec
- 2 cl: Orange juice
- 1 cl: Cream

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.

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__        ___     _     _                ____                   
\ \      / / |__ (_)___| | _____ _   _  / ___|  ___  _   _ _ __ 
 \ \ /\ / /| '_ \| / __| |/ / _ \ | | | \___ \ / _ \| | | | '__|
  \ V  V / | | | | \__ \   <  __/ |_| |  ___) | (_) | |_| | |   
   \_/\_/  |_| |_|_|___/_|\_\___|\__, | |____/ \___/ \__,_|_|   

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Whiskey
- 3.0 cl: Lemon juice
- 1.5 cl: Syrup

## Instructions
Dash egg white (Optional: if used shake little harder to foam up the egg white). Pour all ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake. Strain into cocktail glass. If served ‘On the rocks’, strain ingredients into old-fashioned glass filled with ice.

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 ____                                      _       
| __ )  __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _  ___ _   _  __| | __ _ 
|  _ \ / _` | '__| '__/ _` |/ __| | | |/ _` |/ _` |
| |_) | (_| | |  | | | (_| | (__| |_| | (_| | (_| |
|____/ \__,_|_|  |_|  \__,_|\___|\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Dark rum
- 1.5 cl: Galliano
- 6 cl: Pineapple juice
- 1 dash Lime juice
- Top with Prosecco

## Instructions

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 __  __                    ____  _      _     __               _ 
|  \/  | __ _ _ __ _   _  |  _ \(_) ___| | __/ _| ___  _ __ __| |
| |\/| |/ _` | '__| | | | | |_) | |/ __| |/ / |_ / _ \| '__/ _` |
| |  | | (_| | |  | |_| | |  __/| | (__|   <|  _| (_) | | | (_| |
|_|  |_|\__,_|_|   \__, | |_|   |_|\___|_|\_\_|  \___/|_|  \__,_|

## Ingredients
- 6 cl: White rum
- 1 cl: Cherry liqueur
- 6 cl: Pineapple juice
- 1 cl: Syrup

## Instructions
Shake and strain into a chilled large cocktail glass.

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 _  ___      
| |/ (_)_ __ 
| ' /| | '__|
| . \| | |   

## Ingredients
- 9 cl: Dry White Wine
- 1 cl: Créme liqueur

## Instructions
Pour Créme de Cassis into glass, top up with white wine. For Kir Royal: Use champagne instead of white wine.

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 ____  _     _                     
/ ___|(_) __| | ___  ___ __ _ _ __ 
\___ \| |/ _` |/ _ \/ __/ _` | '__|
 ___) | | (_| |  __/ (_| (_| | |   

## Ingredients
- 5 cl: Cognac
- 2 cl: Triple Sec
- 2 cl: Lemon juice

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into cocktail glass.

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 ____                            _      _                
/ ___|  ___ _ __ _____      ____| |_ __(_)_   _____ _ __ 
\___ \ / __| '__/ _ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__| \ \ / / _ \ '__|
 ___) | (__| | |  __/\ V  V / (_| | |  | |\ V /  __/ |   
|____/ \___|_|  \___| \_/\_/ \__,_|_|  |_| \_/ \___|_|   

## Ingredients
- 5 cl: Vodka
- 10 cl: Orange juice

## Instructions
Build into a highball glass filled with ice. Stir gently.

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 _____                               _       __  __                            _ _        
|_   _|__  _ __ ___  _ __ ___  _   _( )___  |  \/  | __ _ _ __ __ _  __ _ _ __(_) |_ __ _ 
  | |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \| | | |// __| | |\/| |/ _` | '__/ _` |/ _` | '__| | __/ _` |
  | | (_) | | | | | | | | | | | |_| | \__ \ | |  | | (_| | | | (_| | (_| | |  | | || (_| |
  |_|\___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\__, | |___/ |_|  |_|\__,_|_|  \__, |\__,_|_|  |_|\__\__,_|
                               |___/                          |___/                       

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Tequila
- 1.5 cl: Lime juice
- 2 bar spoons of Agave nectar

## Instructions
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

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 _                                 ____                    __  __            _   _       _ 
| |    ___ _ __ ___   ___  _ __   |  _ \ _ __ ___  _ __   |  \/  | __ _ _ __| |_(_)_ __ (_)
| |   / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \  | | | | '__/ _ \| '_ \  | |\/| |/ _` | '__| __| | '_ \| |
| |__|  __/ | | | | | (_) | | | | | |_| | | | (_) | |_) | | |  | | (_| | |  | |_| | | | | |
|_____\___|_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_| |____/|_|  \___/| .__/  |_|  |_|\__,_|_|   \__|_|_| |_|_|

## Ingredients
- 2.5 cl: Vodka
- 2 cl: Triple Sec
- 1.5 cl: Lemon juice

## Instructions
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass rimmed with sugar.

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 ____  _                 _         __  __                  
| __ )| | ___   ___   __| |_   _  |  \/  | __ _ _ __ _   _ 
|  _ \| |/ _ \ / _ \ / _` | | | | | |\/| |/ _` | '__| | | |
| |_) | | (_) | (_) | (_| | |_| | | |  | | (_| | |  | |_| |
|____/|_|\___/ \___/ \__,_|\__, | |_|  |_|\__,_|_|   \__, |
                           |___/                     |___/ 

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Vodka
- 9 cl: Tomato juice
- 1.5 cl: Lemon juice
- 2 to 3 dashes of Worcestershire Sauce
- Tabasco
- Celery salt
- Pepper

## Instructions
Stir gently, pour all ingredients into highball glass.

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  ____           _   _____     _   _               
 / ___| ___   __| | |  ___|_ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __ 
| |  _ / _ \ / _` | | |_ / _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
| |_| | (_) | (_| | |  _| (_| | |_| | | |  __/ |   
 \____|\___/ \__,_| |_|  \__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_|   

## Ingredients
- 3.5 cl: Whiskey
- 3.5 cl: DiSaronno

## Instructions
Build into old fashioned glass filled with ice cubes. Stir gently.

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     _       _              ____      _ _ _           
    | | ___ | |__  _ __    / ___|___ | | (_)_ __  ___ 
 _  | |/ _ \| '_ \| '_ \  | |   / _ \| | | | '_ \/ __|
| |_| | (_) | | | | | | | | |__| (_) | | | | | | \__ \
 \___/ \___/|_| |_|_| |_|  \____\___/|_|_|_|_| |_|___/

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Gin
- 3 cl: Lemon juice
- 1.5 cl: Syrup
- 6 cl: Soda water

## Instructions
Build into highball glass filled with ice. Stir gently. Add a dash of Angostura bitters. (Note: Use Old Tom Gin for Tom Collins)

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 ____             _ _        __     __                  _                   
/ ___| _ __  _ __(_) |_ ____ \ \   / /__ _ __   ___ ___(_) __ _ _ __   ___  
\___ \| '_ \| '__| | __|_  /  \ \ / / _ \ '_ \ / _ \_  / |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ 
 ___) | |_) | |  | | |_ / /    \ V /  __/ | | |  __// /| | (_| | | | | (_) |
|____/| .__/|_|  |_|\__/___|    \_/ \___|_| |_|\___/___|_|\__,_|_| |_|\___/ 

## Ingredients
- 6 cl: Prosecco
- 4 cl: Aperol
- Splash of Soda water

## Instructions
Build into an old-fashioned glass filled with ice. Top with a splash of soda water.

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 ____  _                ____      _           _       
|  _ \(_)_ __   __ _   / ___|___ | | __ _  __| | __ _ 
| |_) | | '_ \ / _` | | |   / _ \| |/ _` |/ _` |/ _` |
|  __/| | | | | (_| | | |__| (_) | | (_| | (_| | (_| |
|_|   |_|_| |_|\__,_|  \____\___/|_|\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|

## Ingredients
- 3 cl: White rum
- 9 cl: Pineapple juice
- 3 cl: Coconut milk

## Instructions
Blend all the ingredients with ice in a electric blender, pour into a large goblet or Hurricane glass and serve with straws.

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 __  __ _                           
|  \/  (_)_ __ ___   ___  ___  __ _ 
| |\/| | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __|/ _` |
| |  | | | | | | | | (_) \__ \ (_| |
|_|  |_|_|_| |_| |_|\___/|___/\__,_|

## Ingredients
- 7.5 cl: Champagne
- 7.5 cl: Orange juice

## Instructions
Pour orange juice into flute and gently pour Champagne. Stir gently. Note: Buck's Fizz is a very similar cocktail but made of two parts champagne to one part orange juice.

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  ____           _   __  __       _   _               
 / ___| ___   __| | |  \/  | ___ | |_| |__   ___ _ __ 
| |  _ / _ \ / _` | | |\/| |/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
| |_| | (_) | (_| | | |  | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |   
 \____|\___/ \__,_| |_|  |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|   

## Ingredients
- 3.5 cl: Vodka
- 3.5 cl: DiSaronno

## Instructions
Build into old fashioned glass filled with ice cubes. Stir gently.

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 ____                            _   _            ____                  _     
/ ___|  _____  __   ___  _ __   | |_| |__   ___  | __ )  ___  __ _  ___| |__  
\___ \ / _ \ \/ /  / _ \| '_ \  | __| '_ \ / _ \ |  _ \ / _ \/ _` |/ __| '_ \ 
 ___) |  __/>  <  | (_) | | | | | |_| | | |  __/ | |_) |  __/ (_| | (__| | | |
|____/ \___/_/\_\  \___/|_| |_|  \__|_| |_|\___| |____/ \___|\__,_|\___|_| |_|

## Ingredients
- 4 cl: Vodka
- 2 cl: Peach schnapps
- 4 cl: Cranberry juice
- 4 cl: Orange juice

## Instructions
Build all ingredients in a highball glass filled with ice.

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  ____                   _                                 
 / ___|_ __ __ _ ___ ___| |__   ___  _ __  _ __   ___ _ __ 
| |  _| '__/ _` / __/ __| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
| |_| | | | (_| \__ \__ \ | | | (_) | |_) | |_) |  __/ |   
 \____|_|  \__,_|___/___/_| |_|\___/| .__/| .__/ \___|_|   
                                    |_|   |_|              

## Ingredients
- 3 cl: Créme liqueur
- 3 cl: Créme liqueur
- 3 cl: Cream

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.

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 ____               ____                        
/ ___|  ___  __ _  | __ ) _ __ ___  ___ _______ 
\___ \ / _ \/ _` | |  _ \| '__/ _ \/ _ \_  / _ \
 ___) |  __/ (_| | | |_) | | |  __/  __// /  __/
|____/ \___|\__,_| |____/|_|  \___|\___/___\___|

## Ingredients
- 4 cl: Vodka
- 12 cl: Cranberry juice
- 3 cl: Grapefruit juice

## Instructions
Build all ingredients in a rock glass filled with ice.

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 _____                   _       
|_   _|   ___  _____  __| | ___  
  | || | | \ \/ / _ \/ _` |/ _ \ 
  | || |_| |>  <  __/ (_| | (_) |
  |_| \__,_/_/\_\___|\__,_|\___/ 

## Ingredients
- 3 cl: Gin
- 3 cl: Vermouth
- 1/2 bar spoon Maraschino
- 1/4 bar spoon Absinthe
- 3 dashes Orange Bitters

## Instructions
Stir all ingredients with ice and strain into cocktail glass.

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 ____       _                             _   _            ____  _               _       
| __ )  ___| |___      _____  ___ _ __   | |_| |__   ___  / ___|| |__   ___  ___| |_ ___ 
|  _ \ / _ \ __\ \ /\ / / _ \/ _ \ '_ \  | __| '_ \ / _ \ \___ \| '_ \ / _ \/ _ \ __/ __|
| |_) |  __/ |_ \ V  V /  __/  __/ | | | | |_| | | |  __/  ___) | | | |  __/  __/ |_\__ \
|____/ \___|\__| \_/\_/ \___|\___|_| |_|  \__|_| |_|\___| |____/|_| |_|\___|\___|\__|___/

## Ingredients
- 3 cl: White rum
- 3 cl: Cognac
- 3 cl: Triple Sec
- 2 cl: Lemon juice

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.

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    _                        _                       
   / \   _ __ ___   ___ _ __(_) ___ __ _ _ __   ___  
  / _ \ | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '__| |/ __/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ 
 / ___ \| | | | | |  __/ |  | | (_| (_| | | | | (_) |
/_/   \_\_| |_| |_|\___|_|  |_|\___\__,_|_| |_|\___/ 

## Ingredients
- 3 cl: Campari
- 3 cl: Vermouth
- A splash of soda water

## Instructions
Build into old fashioned glass filled with ice cubes. Add a splash of soda water.

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 ___      _     _        ____       __  __           
|_ _|_ __(_)___| |__    / ___|___  / _|/ _| ___  ___ 
 | || '__| / __| '_ \  | |   / _ \| |_| |_ / _ \/ _ \
 | || |  | \__ \ | | | | |__| (_) |  _|  _|  __/  __/
|___|_|  |_|___/_| |_|  \____\___/|_| |_|  \___|\___|

## Ingredients
- 4 cl: Whiskey
- 9 cl: Hot coffee
- 3 cl: Cream
- 1 teaspoon of brown sugar

## Instructions
Warm the Irish whiskey over a burner. Pour into the glass (for hot drink) hot coffee, and add a teaspoon of sugar. Float Cream on top.

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 ____       _ _ _       _ 
| __ )  ___| | (_)_ __ (_)
|  _ \ / _ \ | | | '_ \| |
| |_) |  __/ | | | | | | |
|____/ \___|_|_|_|_| |_|_|

## Ingredients
- 10 cl: Prosecco
- 5 cl: Peach puree

## Instructions
Pour peach puree into chilled glass and add sparkling wine. Stir gently. Variations: Puccini (fresh mandarin juice), Rossini (fresh strawberry puree), Tintoretto (fresh pomegranate juice)

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 ____                             _____ _         
|  _ \ __ _ _ __ ___   ___  ___  |  ___(_)________
| |_) / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __| | |_  | |_  /_  /
|  _ < (_| | | | | | | (_) \__ \ |  _| | |/ / / / 
|_| \_\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___/|___/ |_|   |_/___/___|

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: Gin
- 1.5 cl: Lime juice
- 1.5 cl: Lemon juice
- 3 cl: Syrup
- 6 cl: Cream
- 1 Egg white
- 3 dashes Orange flower water
- 2 drops Vanilla extract
- Soda water

## Instructions
Pour all ingredients (except soda) in a mixing glass, dry shake (no ice) for two minutes, add ice and hard shake for another minute. Strain into a highball glass without ice, top with soda.

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 __  __       _       _        _ 
|  \/  | __ _(_)     | |_ __ _(_)
| |\/| |/ _` | |_____| __/ _` | |
| |  | | (_| | |_____| || (_| | |
|_|  |_|\__,_|_|      \__\__,_|_|

## Ingredients
- 4 cl: White rum
- 2 cl: Dark rum
- 1.5 cl: Triple Sec
- 1.5 cl: Syrup
- 1 cl: Lime juice

## Instructions
Shake and strain into highball glass. Serve with straw.

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 ____        _             _      _ 
|  _ \  __ _(_) __ _ _   _(_)_ __(_)
| | | |/ _` | |/ _` | | | | | '__| |
| |_| | (_| | | (_| | |_| | | |  | |
|____/ \__,_|_|\__, |\__,_|_|_|  |_|

## Ingredients
- 4.5 cl: White rum
- 2.5 cl: Lime juice
- 1.5 cl: Syrup

## Instructions
Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

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 ____                     _ _          
|  _ \ __ _ _ __ __ _  __| (_)___  ___ 
| |_) / _` | '__/ _` |/ _` | / __|/ _ \
|  __/ (_| | | | (_| | (_| | \__ \  __/
|_|   \__,_|_|  \__,_|\__,_|_|___/\___|

## Ingredients
- 3.5 cl: Gin
- 2 cl: Apricot brandy
- 1.5 cl: Orange juice

## Instructions
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.

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 _____                                     __  __            _   _       _ 
| ____|___ _ __  _ __ ___  ___ ___  ___   |  \/  | __ _ _ __| |_(_)_ __ (_)
|  _| / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \/ __/ __|/ _ \  | |\/| |/ _` | '__| __| | '_ \| |
| |___\__ \ |_) | | |  __/\__ \__ \ (_) | | |  | | (_| | |  | |_| | | | | |
|_____|___/ .__/|_|  \___||___/___/\___/  |_|  |_|\__,_|_|   \__|_|_| |_|_|

## Ingredients
- 5 cl: Vodka
- 1 cl: Coffee liqueur
- Sugar syrup (according to individual preference of sweetness)
- 1 short strong Espresso

## Instructions
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

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